WOW. WOW. WOW!!!!!!
This was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful books I have EVER read in my entire life. HOLY FEELS. I cried my way through most of the book because almost every scene was filled with the most intense and powerful emotions you can imagine. The sheer, undying strength of the LOVE that Rune and Poppy shared overwhelmed me. I loved every single word of this book. And the ending was absolutely perfect for their story. This is one of those books that I know will stay with me forever and ever. I loved it with all my heart and HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to everyone as my first 6 STAR RATING of the year!!!
I’m exhausted. I’ve slept barely 2 hours. After I washed all the mascara tear streaks from my face, I went to bed thinking about this book. I fell asleep thinking about this book. I woke up thinking about this book. I can’t stop thinking about this book. I keep replaying the story, the beautiful quotes, the powerful scenes over and over in my head. I can’t get over how beautiful this book was. If there has ever been a single book that has EVER made me believe that REAL LOVE truly lasts forever and ever, THIS IS IT.
This is what it’s about…

One kiss lasts a moment.
But a thousand kisses can last a lifetime.One boy.
One girl.
A bond that is forged in an instant and cherished for a decade.
A bond that neither time nor distance can break.
A bond that will last forever.
Or so they believe.When seventeen-year-old Rune Kristiansen returns from his native Norway to the sleepy town of Blossom Grove, Georgia, where he befriended Poppy Litchfield as a child, he has just one thing on his mind. Why did the girl who was one half of his soul, who promised to wait faithfully for his return, cut him off without a word of explanation?
Rune’s heart was broken two years ago when Poppy fell silent. When he discovers the truth, he finds that the greatest heartache is yet to come.
For anyone who want/needs to know the ending, I’ve included everything in the hidden spoiler at the link below. You don’t have to read it first, but I know many of you like to know. I personally always have to know. I knew everything in this spoiler before I read the book and honestly (just for me), knowing was what made me enjoy the book more because I had that lifeline and reassurance. It’s totally up to you!
“She’s the love of my life. And I’m not walking away from her, even for a second.”
HOLY INTENSITY. There was more raw emotion in the first few chapters of this book alone than in most entire books I’ve read. I had tears in my eyes, my heart was pounding in my throat, I felt like I couldn’t breathe because of how much I was feeling for this book. I alternated between crying and almost crying, falling in love and feeling overjoyed for the beauty of their fierce love for each other, and feeling broken-hearted for everything they were going through.
I held her. I held her so tightly I thought she would ask me to let go. But she didn’t, and I wouldn’t. I didn’t dare let go, in case when I lifted my head she wasn’t here.
I needed her to be here.
I needed her to stay.
Every few chapters, I had to step away from the book to regain my composure. But even though I wanted to take breathers, I just as desperately needed to keep reading. I wanted more of their story while simultaneously wanting to stop time. No matter what, every time I picked the book back up again, I was crying within moments. On more than one occasion, I’d have to stop reading because I literally couldn’t see the words any longer through my tears. AND I LOVED IT!! Could. Not. Stop. Reading.
I loved how much validity the author gave to young love. It’s so often dismissed as ‘you aren’t ready yet’ or ‘you can’t know what you want yet’, but this book gave it power and strength. I’m a firm believer that you know when you fall in love — forever love — even if you find your soul mate when you’re young.
When he reached me, he didn’t touch the tear stains on my cheeks, as I left his untouched. Closing his eyes, he took my mouth in a kiss. And in this kiss I felt his outpourings of love. I felt a love, that at seventeen, I was blessed to have received.
A love that knew no boundaries.
Poppy’s strength was beyond powerful. And the fierce loyalty and strength with which Rune loved her was beyond intense. He loved this girl with all of his heart and soul and he was willing to do absolutely anything to make every moment of her life be filled with that love.
This book needs to be made into a movie. I could picture every scene so vividly in my mind as I read and it would easily make an incredible transition to screen. *sends up silent prayer to movie gods*
Then she promised, “My kisses are all yours. No one else will ever have these lips but you.”
I brushed my lips against her one more time and echoed her words. “My kisses are all yours. No one will ever have these lips but you.”
I highly recommend this book with all my heart. Be prepared to ugly cry. Possibly more than once. I can almost guarantee that you’ll be full-out sobbing at some point. But know that it is absolutely worth every single tear… because the ending was more beautiful than I could ever have imagined.
Heart-breaking, breathtaking, unforgettable, and profoundly beautiful, this book will stay in my heart a long time to come. More than anything, it truly made me believe in undying love — the kind of love that endures the most intense pain imaginable, and still shines through forever and ever and ever.
“You’ll stay by my side, won’t you?”
Crouching down, I cupped her cheeks. “Forever.”
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